A Taste of Anthropology

A Taste of Anthropology: The Book

A Finalist Medal Award Winner in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards and the Eric Hoffer Book Awards

A Taste of Anthropology: How The Wisdom of Anthropology Can Improve Your Life Skills and Help You Live Well in a Divided World (2023) Learn more HERE.  Purchase HERE.

A personal improvement book like no other for people who want to enhance their knowledge of the world while also enhancing their knowledge of themselves.  This book will expand the tools you have to cope with and handle the inevitable conflict and change that is a natural part of living a human life.

Other Books

An Anthropologist's Guide to Gifted and Talented Test Preparation (2018) and An Anthropologist's Workbook for Gifted and Talented Test Preparation (2020).  Purchase HERE.

Eye-opening, step-by-step digital guides to help parents and guardians joyfully prepare their child for the Gifted and Talented Test and beyond.

Six Stories of Birth (2019).  Purchase HERE.

A medical anthropological and historical look at the birth experiences of Americans from the late 1960's through the early 2000's.  Birth trends suggest areas for improvement in American birth norms.

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