A Taste of Anthropology

What Is Anthropology Academy?

Anthropology Academy is an innovative scholarly and personal development monthly video membership created and run by Professor Burlingame.

Each month in the membership, you will gain access to a new video that will not only teach you anthropology, but will also enlighten, inspire and empower you along your journey of deeper self-discovery and self-awareness.

Think of Anthropology Academy as a private online retreat where you can enjoy your favorite educational anthropology programming at the pace of your own life.

The Academy is for lifelong learners seeking a comprehensive way to better understand themselves and others through beautiful and practical video lessons that teach anthropology wisdom.

It's for those seeking pragmatic science-based ways to reduce conflict in their relationships, improve their health and wellness and gain the kind of essential, human-centered intellectual and career development skills that will make a profound impact on their personal and professional lives.

To be among the first to know when the doors to Anthropology Academy open in 2024, (and receive special perks as well as exclusive pricing), add your email address to this form HERE for email updates.
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